Market Monday: Top Five
Market Monday: Top Five

We are beyond excited about the Shop Small Fort Worth Holiday Market that is just around the corner! We have been hard at work creating a fun and inspiring shopping experience you won’t want to miss. A day of eating, playing, shopping and networking with other locals and small businesses just in time to kick off the holiday season that is upon us. We have truly enjoyed our time working and brainstorming with the team at M2G Ventures. They, like us, love all that the holiday season embodies and we asked them to share a few of their favorite things.
With only five more days until the Holiday Market, we decided to share our five favorite things about the Holiday season.
1. Holiday Cheer(s)
How bout that egg nog? We like our egg nog like we like our Christmas tree trunks; strong and stout. Besides the festive booze, Christmas makes us feel like an eight-year-old girl again. It’s a fun time in our culture. While as we get older sometimes the holidays can be stressful, there is still an excitement in the air. We get to the end of the year and can reflect on what we’ve done, how we’ve grown, and think of ways to better ourselves in the upcoming year.
2. Coming Together
No matter how unbearable that mother in law of yours is, you can’t deny that warm feeling you get by being surrounded by family and friends. It’s an unbeatable feeling to be around those you love and who love you. Sharing stories and enjoying each other’s company. We cherish these times together and always look forward to being with our people.
3. Meals
There is nothing in this world quite like your mother’s cooking. It seems like parents and grandparents have about a million secret recipes up their sleeves and I know I’m always eager to try them out. I’ve been shamelessly thinking about what will be served at Thanksgiving dinner since December of this year.
4. Giving Back
Giving back is always important. The Holiday Season is a time people may need a little extra help and there’s something about the Holidays that motivates people to get out and do what they can to help. That is absolutely beautiful. People need people and that is what community is all about. M2G is scheming up some ideas to get involved with our community and impact those in need in the biggest and most positive way possible. Which brings us to our to our fifth and final favorite part of the Holiday Season; The Holiday Market, of course.
5. Holiday Market
While the Shop Small Holiday Market is already a wonderful event in itself, M2G and Shop Small have also partnered with The Ronald McDonald House of Fort Worth where the proceeds from ticket sales will go to help those families in need. We are truly grateful for this partnership and opportunity. Shopping while benefiting an awesome charitable organization… It’s almost too good to be true. We are also excited to get some unique and locally crafted gifts for the ones we love. Needless to say, the Holiday Market is our new favorite part of the Holiday Season. We can’t wait for this event with you guys and hope that the Holiday Market will be something you look forward to each year as well.
We here at Shop Small Fort Worth feel very fortunate to have partnered with M2G Ventures, a business who shares the same vision and aspirations for the Fort Worth community as we do! We hope you will come and enjoy the amazing talent that our small business community has to offer and join us for the Holiday Market on November 12th and 13th!