Shop Small Fort Worth began as a Facebook group that gave local craftsmen, artisans and locally-owned businesses an open forum to sell their goods and offer their services. Since then we've grown and now built this website as a place where you can search for local goods and business that may have just the item you are looking for.
Below is a list of questions for you to review and answer that will help you to determine if your business is eligible for a listing on Shop Small Fort Worth. If you ever have a question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
Is your business headquartered in Fort Worth or the nearby surrounding areas? Is your business registered and pays taxes in the State of Texas?
We love Fort Worth and all local businesses with a Fort Worth address are eligible to list on Shop Small Fort Worth. We are also aware that many of the small towns surrounding Fort Worth also support our economy. If you are a business from a small town outside of Fort Worth feel free to apply for a listing.
Is your business part of a multi-level marketing business?
We have a number of members who sell Rodan & Fields, Lularoe, BeautyCounter, Thirty One, Avon, etc. While many local residents use these products, they were conceptually designed and created outside of Fort Worth. This website is intended to support and promote small local businesses and therefore these types of businesses and other MLMs are ineligible.
Do you pay all your own marketing, rent and other business expenses (without assistance from, or payment to, a corporate headquarters)?
Local means a one-of-a-kind business that is distinctive to Fort Worth. These businesses are important to the character and economy of Fort Worth. One of the advantages we promote about local business is the fact that you will only find these businesses in their individual communities. Businesses that are part of national marketing cooperatives and use the same names, signs, and ads don’t contribute in the same way to a unique sense of place.
* Please note: If you purchase a Listing package on Shop Small Fort Worth, and it is determined that your business is not eligible to be listing, you will be given a full refund.
Who's eligible to list on Shop Small Fort Worth or participate in our local events?
Sometimes determining which businesses are local and independently owned can be difficult. How about a locally owned fast food franchise or an insurance agent with a national company and a local office? Many businesses that contribute to our local economy are like this, yet they are often required to participate in cooperative marketing and follow certain guidelines set forth by a larger company.
We define a locally owned business as one where the community member has full autonomy and local decision-making authority with respect to his or her business practices.
If you answer yes to ALL of the questions below, then you qualify to list on the Shop Small Fort Worth website and participate in our events.
Is the business privately held (not publicly traded)?
Is the business registered in the state of Texas, with no corporate or national headquarters outside of Fort Worth, Texas?
Can the business make independent decisions regarding the name and look of the business, as well as all business purchasing, practices, and distribution?
Does the business pay its own rent, marketing expenses, and other expenses (without assistance from a corporate headquarters)?